XYZ to Correlated Color Temperature

There is not a simple formula for computing the correlated color temperature of an XYZ color. Instead, an algorithm is used to inverse interpolate one data table, and then forward interpolate a second table. This method was developed by A. R. Robertson. Below is an ANSI 'C' implementation of Robertson's method.

 *      Name:   XYZtoCorColorTemp.c
 *      Author: Bruce Justin Lindbloom
 *      Copyright (c) 2003 Bruce Justin Lindbloom. All rights reserved.
 *      Input:  xyz = pointer to the input array of X, Y and Z color components (in that order).
 *              temp = pointer to where the computed correlated color temperature should be placed.
 *      Output: *temp = correlated color temperature, if successful.
 *                    = unchanged if unsuccessful.
 *      Return: 0 if successful, else -1.
 *      Description:
 *              This is an implementation of Robertson's method of computing the correlated color
 *              temperature of an XYZ color. It can compute correlated color temperatures in the
 *              range [1666.7K, infinity].
 *      Reference:
 *              "Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae", Second Edition,
 *              Gunter Wyszecki and W. S. Stiles, John Wiley & Sons, 1982, pp. 227, 228.

#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>

/* LERP(a,b,c) = linear interpolation macro, is 'a' when c == 0.0 and 'b' when c == 1.0 */
#define LERP(a,b,c)     (((b) - (a)) * (c) + (a))

typedef struct UVT {
        double  u;
        double  v;
        double  t;
} UVT;

double rt[31] = {       /* reciprocal temperature (K) */
         DBL_MIN,  10.0e-6,  20.0e-6,  30.0e-6,  40.0e-6,  50.0e-6,
         60.0e-6,  70.0e-6,  80.0e-6,  90.0e-6, 100.0e-6, 125.0e-6,
        150.0e-6, 175.0e-6, 200.0e-6, 225.0e-6, 250.0e-6, 275.0e-6,
        300.0e-6, 325.0e-6, 350.0e-6, 375.0e-6, 400.0e-6, 425.0e-6,
        450.0e-6, 475.0e-6, 500.0e-6, 525.0e-6, 550.0e-6, 575.0e-6,

UVT uvt[31] = {
        {0.18006, 0.26352, -0.24341},
        {0.18066, 0.26589, -0.25479},
        {0.18133, 0.26846, -0.26876},
        {0.18208, 0.27119, -0.28539},
        {0.18293, 0.27407, -0.30470},
        {0.18388, 0.27709, -0.32675},
        {0.18494, 0.28021, -0.35156},
        {0.18611, 0.28342, -0.37915},
        {0.18740, 0.28668, -0.40955},
        {0.18880, 0.28997, -0.44278},
        {0.19032, 0.29326, -0.47888},
        {0.19462, 0.30141, -0.58204},
        {0.19962, 0.30921, -0.70471},
        {0.20525, 0.31647, -0.84901},
        {0.21142, 0.32312, -1.0182},
        {0.21807, 0.32909, -1.2168},
        {0.22511, 0.33439, -1.4512},
        {0.23247, 0.33904, -1.7298},
        {0.24010, 0.34308, -2.0637},
        {0.24792, 0.34655, -2.4681},	/* Note: 0.24792 is a corrected value for the error found in W&S as 0.24702 */
        {0.25591, 0.34951, -2.9641},
        {0.26400, 0.35200, -3.5814},
        {0.27218, 0.35407, -4.3633},
        {0.28039, 0.35577, -5.3762},
        {0.28863, 0.35714, -6.7262},
        {0.29685, 0.35823, -8.5955},
        {0.30505, 0.35907, -11.324},
        {0.31320, 0.35968, -15.628},
        {0.32129, 0.36011, -23.325},
        {0.32931, 0.36038, -40.770},
        {0.33724, 0.36051, -116.45}

int XYZtoCorColorTemp(double *xyz, double *temp)
        double us, vs, p, di, dm;
        int i;

        if ((xyz[0] < 1.0e-20) && (xyz[1] < 1.0e-20) && (xyz[2] < 1.0e-20))
                return(-1);     /* protect against possible divide-by-zero failure */
        us = (4.0 * xyz[0]) / (xyz[0] + 15.0 * xyz[1] + 3.0 * xyz[2]);
        vs = (6.0 * xyz[1]) / (xyz[0] + 15.0 * xyz[1] + 3.0 * xyz[2]);
        dm = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < 31; i++) {
                di = (vs - uvt[i].v) - uvt[i].t * (us - uvt[i].u);
                if ((i > 0) && (((di < 0.0) && (dm >= 0.0)) || ((di >= 0.0) && (dm < 0.0))))
                        break;  /* found lines bounding (us, vs) : i-1 and i */
                dm = di;
        if (i == 31)
                return(-1);     /* bad XYZ input, color temp would be less than minimum of 1666.7 degrees, or too far towards blue */
        di = di / sqrt(1.0 + uvt[i    ].t * uvt[i    ].t);
        dm = dm / sqrt(1.0 + uvt[i - 1].t * uvt[i - 1].t);
        p = dm / (dm - di);     /* p = interpolation parameter, 0.0 : i-1, 1.0 : i */
        p = 1.0 / (LERP(rt[i - 1], rt[i], p));
        *temp = p;
        return(0);      /* success */